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Below are some newspaper articles published about Wijma Cameroon
Note : Some are available only in French.
Elephant and great ape numbers stable in Cameroonian park despite threats
Published on November 2015
Elephant and great ape numbers stable in Cameroonian park despite threats
Cafeco Nguti : communication
Published on june 2014
CAFECO the sawmill, trendsetter in development...
Cameroon Tribune
Published on 25/08/2011
  "Vers un transfert de responsabilité des entreprises forestičres étrangčres aux entreprises nationales"
FSC: Brochure Assemblée Générale 2011
Published in june 2011
Celebrating success: Stories of FSCR certification.

Response of Wijma Cameroon SA to Mr. Reiner Tegtmeyer of Global Witness
Published on 13/06/2010
 … Wijma Cameroun S.A. is held by official procedures that control visits of all institutions, regardless if they are governmental or non-governmental, to FMUs and other forest exploitations. We can assure you Wijma Cameroun has nothing against Global Witness in particular. This procedure originaIly cornes from discussions that took place during one of the last visits in the field (not at Wijmas), where a third party couldn´t arbitrate the divergence opinions between the company and the visitors. It said that anyone that wants to visit a FMU has to have an authorization signed by the MINFOF (French/English).
Global Witness: Courier of Reiner Tegytmeyer to Wijma Cameroun
Published on 02/06/2011
 …Firstly, I would like to thank you again for having welcomed representatives of Global Witness’ partners from various countries to visit Wijma‘s sawmill in Bidou and to have initially accepted the visit of Billy Kyte, one of our colleagues, to concession area 09 024 in the Ma’an region. However, I have to express my deepest concern and disappointment that the company Wijma did not accept that a member of Global Witness’ team be accompanied by a member of the Cameroonian NGO CED to facilitate his ‘learning visit’ of a forest management site.

[Version française] [English version]

Legal Notice: Chambers of Attorney Régine DOOH COLLINS - EKOLLO
Published on 20/08/2010
 Increase of capital -reduction of capital- approval of new partners- transformation of "Wijma Douala "LLC into a Corp. - change of the social name appointment of directors appointment of the Managing Director - Appointment of Deputy Managing Director- Update of statutes.
Cameroun Tribune, Dossier de la rédaction : Filière bois, timide reprise
Published on 19/08/2010

In 2008, Wood was one of the hardest sectors hit by the global financial crisis whose effects have reached Cameroon.

Le Figaro : La lutte contre la déforestation marque des points
Published on 03/08/2010
 The sharp drop of illegal timber trade has helped preserve 17 million hectares of forest in ten years.
NETBOIS : Le Bassin du Congo devient le plus grand massif forestier tropical géré durablement au monde
Published on 13/07/2009
 INTERZUM international exhibition in Cologne, representatives of Africa Wood for Life, with the support of Interafrican Forest Industries Association (IFIA), gave a press conference attended by FSC ® International and WWF Germany to promote Africa´s Congo Basin forest engaged in certification of sustainable management, exceeding the Amazon Basin in terms of areas certified.
Published on 20/02/2007
 Forêts : Mensonge autour d´une certification
For issuing an authorization to the logging company Wijma, Bureau Veritas Cameroon suspended.
Source :
FSCTM : Cameroon: Wijma still certified, as official observer finds new illegalities
Published on 05/11/2006
 The decision to maintain the FSC label awarded to the first certified concession in Central Africa continues to make waves among environmentalists.
Source :Site web du FSCTM Watch : Le label FSCTM joue sa crédibilité en Afrique centrale
Published on 19/06/2006
 For the first time in Central Africa, a timber concession has been awarded the FSCTM certificate that ensures sustainable management of forest resources. Certification criticized by NGOs for environmental protection which raise number of weaknesses in the audit of the French certifier Eurocertifor.
Greenpeace : Forest crime file: Corporate Crimes, april 2003
Published in April 2003
 In April 2002, Greenpeace released information about Wijma´s illegal logging activities in Cameroon. Greenpeace and Forests Monitor released additional information about Wijma logging illegally in August last year. Wijma claims these cases were isolated incidents.
Answers to accusations : Forest Crime File; Chainsaw criminal Wijma
Published in 2002
Recently Greenpeace confronted Wijma with different accusations regarding logging illegally in Cameroon. We always take this kind of information seriously however we now feel we hate to differentiate their accusations.
Greenpeace : Pillage des forêts anciennes : crimes industriels
Published in September 2002
 In its company literature, Wijma, a Dutch company for logging and timber trade tries to convince the public of the environmental and social acceptability of its activities. However, in facts, the reality is quite different...
Greenpeace : Wijma: logging illegally in Cameroon’s rainforest
Published in August 2002
 In its company literature, the Dutch logger and timber trader Wijma has made many claims about the environmental and social acceptability of its timber. But in practice, Wijma not only buys from some of the most notorious logging companies in West Africa1, but is itself involved in  logging illegally outside of its legal cutting areas in Cameroon.
Greenpeace : Wijma: destroying Cameroon´s rainforests
Published in April 2002
 "The timber that goes from Mount Elephant to Wijma´s sawmill, and that is later transported to the Netherlands, is at least as grey as the three-piece suits of the [Wijma] directors. These directors can claim to have a soul as white as cream, but the butter is dripping along their ears."


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